To improve the levels of many nutrients, especially during the nesting season, you can add powdered hand-feeding bird food (the kind marketed as a complete diet for hand-reared baby parrots). Add chunks of raw potato or apple for moisture, and then put the mealworms in. To maintain a large number of mealworms, fill the bottom of an ice cream bucket, dishpan, or similar bin with an inch or two of dry oatmeal or wheat bran. They don’t live long away from an easy supply of food, but few people relish the thought of them, dead or alive, in crevices in their homes.
#Suet feeder free#
It can be tricky to remove them from their packaging-it’s easiest to avoid setting them free in your house if you transfer them from the packaging to your buckets outdoors, or over a very large piece of white paper so you can spot any runaway mealworms before they get far. So make sure to remove them from the paper as quickly as possible when they arrive. If you order them in bulk, they usually come packaged in wads of newspaper, and will eat the paper, ink and all. Mealworms can be an excellent source of protein, calcium, and vitamins for a great many birds, including some that normally don’t visit feeders, but mealworms are only as healthful as the diet they are fed. They’re a serious pest in granaries, but are safe and easy to maintain in our houses, confined in buckets or plastic bins. Mealworms are larvae of a flightless insect called the darkling beetle. Woodpeckers, chickadees, and nuthatches will access it easily, but starlings cannot. To dissuade them, offer suet in a feeder that requires birds to feed hanging upside down. It may be prudent to keep suet cakes made with corn, cornmeal, or peanuts refrigerated until using. Because corn and peanuts can provide a growth medium for dangerous bacteria, it’s important for you to make your own suet cakes or to buy them from reputable dealers. Suet cakes are blocks made from suet or a thick substitute mixed with other ingredients, such as corn meal, peanuts, fruits, or even dried insects. When suet gets soft, it can coat belly feathers, a dangerous situation especially in spring and summer when birds are incubating-tiny pores on the birds’ eggs may get clogged, preventing the developing embryo from getting enough oxygen. When suet is melted and the impurities removed (“rendering”), it keeps much better, but can still get soft during warm weather. Raw suet grows rancid quickly when temperatures are above freezing don’t offer that except in winter. Animal fat is easily digested and metabolized by many birds it’s a high-energy food, especially valuable in cold weather. Wrens, creepers, kinglets, and even cardinals and some warblers occasionally visit suet feeders. Suet is particularly attractive to woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, and starlings. An added benefit for adding a suet feeder to your yard is that the birds that visit your feeder will also reward you in the spring and summer months by eating the insects in your garden.Suet is technically defined as the hard fat around the kidneys and loins in beef and mutton, but in common usage, most kinds of beef fat are also called suet and can safely be fed to birds. The fat will stay solid at room temperature, but in warmer temps and direct sun, it can get soft or go rancid (depending on the fat you used).Ī great place to hang a suet feeder is in a tree, especially for insect-eating birds like woodpeckers. Hang your suet feeder at least 5 feet from the ground and in some shade. Hang your new DIY suet feeder and wait for some happy birds! Suet Feeder Hanging Notes Insert one end through the hole in the middle of the suet and insert one end of the twine through the opposite loop. Make a loop with a length of twine and tie an overhand knot at one end. You might have to run the pan under some warm water to help loosen the suet from the pan. Once the fat has hardened, remove the suet from the mini bundt pan. You can let the fat harden at room temperature or pop the pan in the freezer for an hour or so.

Pour the melted lard on top of the seed mixture in the mini bundt pans.