The dorsum (back) has chest-nut brown blotches bordered in black pattern on the Click Here - Section 16ī - In cross section the body is round all dorsal scales strongly keeled. Click Here - Section 15Ī - In cross section the body is shaped like a loaf of bread venter (belly) flat Yellowish spots venter (belly) bordered along each side with black the snake is a Northern Red-bellied Snake ( Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata).Ī - If the dorsum (back) is green with a width of 17 dorsal scales the snake is a Rough Greensnake ( Opheodrys aestivus aestivus).ī - Dorsal scale width is equal to or greater than 21.

Supralabials 3 and 4 then the snake is a Northern Brownsnake ( Storeria dekayi dekayi).ī - It the dorsum (back) is gray to brown with a collar on the neck consisting of three
Virginia state isnake Patch#
Click HereĪ - Loreal scale absent - Click Here - Section 13ī - Loreal scale present - Click Here - Section 14Ī - It the dorsum (back) is gray to brown with a row of paired, small black toĭark-brown spots, which may border a light-brown middorsal stripe and one or more of which may be connected with crossbars patch of dark pigment on Only been found in Diascund Creek in New Kent County.Ī - If preocular scale not present loreal scale elongated and touching the orbit the snake is a Rough Earthsnake( Haldea striatula).ī - One or two preocular scales present loreal, if present, not elongated. Shaped spots three thin dark stripes on each side of neck then the snake is anĮastern Glossy Swampsnake ( Liodytes rigida rigida). To form a brownish venter (belly) with a cream colored midventral stripe noĭark stripes on sides of neck then the snake is a Queen Snake ( Regina septemvittata septemvittata).ī - If no light lateral stripes venter cream colored with 2 rows of black, half-moon Venter (belly), outer 2 more prominent but stripes may fuse in some individuals Click Here - Section 10Ī - If the snake has lateral stripes on scale rows 3 and 4, then the snake is a Common Ribbonsnake ( Thamnophis sauritus sauritus).ī - If the snake has lateral stripes on scale rows 2 and 3, then the snake is an Eastern Garter Snake ( Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis).Ī - If white to cream colored lateral stripe on scale rows 1 and 2 4 brown stripes on Click Here - Section 9ī - No stripe on the dorsum (back). Click Here - Section 8ī - No longitudinal stripes - Click Here - Section 11Ī - Longitudinal yellowish stripe on midline of dorsum and on each side. *Note: The Northern Pinesnake is extremely rare in Virginia.ī - Two prefrontal scales present - Click Here - Section 7Ī - Longitudinal stripes on the dorsum (back) and/or venter (belly). Rostral scale rounded - Click Here - Section 5Ī - Keeled scaled on dorsum (back) - Click Here - Section 6ī - Dorsal scales smooth - Click Here - Section 20Ī - If 4 prefrontal scales on top of snout, then the snake is a Northern Pine Snake ( Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus). The snake rarely bites but will strike repeatedly with mouth closed.ī. Includes hissing loudly, spreading of the neck to appear larger and playing dead. The harmless Eastern Hog-nosed Snake is also well known for it acting ability, which The pattern and coloration of the eastern hognose snake can vary greatly.

When compared side by side as in the photo below, it isĭifficult to understand how this mistaken identity occurs.Ī - If the rostral scale (nose) is upturned and pointed, then the snake is a harmless Eastern Hog-nosed Snake ( Heterodon platirhinos). ** Note: Often the harmless Northern Watersnake and Brown Watersnake are mistaken for the venomous Northern Cottonmouth.
Virginia state isnake series#
Then the snake is a Northern Copperhead ( Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen).ī - If the body is black to olive, usually with a series of crossbands and Brown stripe on side of head the snake is an Eastern Cottonmouth ( Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus). Northern copperheads are found statewide.Ī - If the body is reddish to light brown with darker hourglass-shaped cross bands, Heat sensing pits - Click Here - Section 2ĭistribution of the Timber Rattlesnake in VirginiaĪ - If the dorsal scales on the head small and/or snake has a rattle, then the snake is a Timber Rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus).ī - Dorsal scales on head enlarged, no rattle - Click Here - Section 3 Heat sensing pits - Click Here - Section 4 Each snake identification page has two options, A and The identification keys are based on color, pattern and other