
Inbetween land hint
Inbetween land hint

inbetween land hint

Swamp Kelp is a water plant that can be found in water bodies, and can be harvested and grown like vanilla Kelp.They are also used in many crafting recipes, and are very common and easily regrow like vanilla Sugar Cane. 4 of these can be crafted into a Reed Donut. Swamp Reeds can be cooked into Dried Swamp Reeds.Both Crab Claws and Crabsticks can also be smoked once you obtain a Smoking Rack, for even greater sustenance. They can also be crafted into Crabsticks without cooking, which restore more hunger than the claws. If you are successful in killing some, they will drop Crab Claws, which can be eaten. They will attack you before attempting to run away, but as long as they are not in a swarm they are easy to deal with. Silt Crabs and Bubbler Crabs can be found crawling around on Silt Beaches in Patchy Islands and Swamplands biomes, respectively.When harvested, these mushrooms can also be eaten, inflicting the Nausea and Night Vision status effects for a few seconds. Patchy Islands biomes can occasionally contain Giant Bulb-Capped Mushrooms, with smaller Bulb-Capped Mushrooms growing around them.These mushrooms can be harvested and will provide minimal amounts of hunger points, but will also inflict the negative Hunger status effect, similar to vanilla Rotten Flesh. Swamplands biomes are covered in two types of mushrooms: Black Hat Mushrooms and Flathead Mushrooms.Black Hat and Flathead Mushrooms, Balls of Sap, and Chiromaw Wings are exempt from this mechanic. Beware that most foods are affected by Food Sickness, so it is a good idea to look for and consume multiple sources of food. There are plenty of food sources in the Betweenlands.

inbetween land hint

Slimy Bones can also be found as Slimy Bone Ore underground, spawning commonly close to the surface. Swamp Hags are common hostile mobs that are easy to kill and drop Slimy Bones, which are used for better tools and armor. Swamp Reed is most common in areas such as these. If in a Marsh biome, look for Weeping Blue flowers instead of Sap Trees to keep your Decay bar filled. Some of the most important resources to look for at the start of the game are: Weedwood Trees for tools, Sap Trees for Balls of Sap to cure Decay, and Swamp Reeds for other useful tools such as Buckets or a Simple Slingshot. In any case, it is useful to take note of whatever resources or hazards you find in the surrounding environment. Others, such as the Coarse Islands, Raised Isles, Patchy Islands, and Swamplands biomes, are more beginner-friendly.

inbetween land hint

Most biomes within the Betweenlands contain the necessary materials to get started, but some are more difficult to traverse or contain more dangerous enemies, such as the Deep Waters and Sludge Plains biomes.

inbetween land hint

When you first enter, it is recommended to survey your surroundings. Most Betweenlands foods are affected by Food Sickness, requiring the player to eat a variety of foods, as frequently eaten foods become less filling the more times they're eaten in a row. Corrosion can be removed in the Purifier, or prevented with Scabyst, although these will likely not be needed until later, as Corrosion takes a long time to accumulate. Most Betweenlands tools will be affected by Corrosion, which gradually reduces their effectiveness over time. It can be refilled with Balls of Sap from Sap Trees, or Weeping Blue Petals from Weeping Blue flowers. While in the Betweenlands, players have a have a Decay bar that gradually inflicts Slowness and reduces maximum health as it depletes. (More info is available on each mechanic's corresponding page) The Betweenlands has its own versions of most vanilla items, so players can choose to enter as prepared or unprepared as they want, although remember you can always return to the Overworld for more if you wish. Clocks, Compasses, vanilla Beds, Bone Meal, and Flint and Steel also do not work as they normally would, though there are some alternatives available for their functions.Īssuming you get there through a Portal Tree, you can get a head start by using the Weedwood in the tree's floor to make tools. Tools and weapons can be brought but are much less effective while in the dimension, as any non-Betweenlands tools are slower and creatures are resistant to non-Betweenlands weapons. Attempting to place Torches in the dimension will cause them to extinguish into Damp Torches, which do not provide light. Any non-Betweenlands food and potions (besides Rotten Flesh) brought into the dimension immediately turns into Rotten Food and Tainted Potions respectively. There are certain items that do not function in the dimension.

Inbetween land hint